vendredi 23 octobre 2009

AGEFI: Wisekey à Masdar: en route vers la Chine

Vendredi - Samedi - Dimanche 23 - 24 - 25 octobre 2009

Wisekey à Masdar: en route vers la Chine
Le Genevois atterrit aux Emirats. Prémisse à ses futures tribulations asiatiques.

De retour de Masdar, près d’Abu Dhabi aux Emirats Arabes Unis, où il était en voyage avec la délégation suisse emmenée par le conseiller d’Etat Pierre-Fran?
ois Unger, le fondateur de WISeKey Carlos Moreira livre ses impressions sur le potentiel du village suisse. Le Genevois, spécialisé dans le marché de la sécurité, sera le premier à s’installer dans une ville vouée au développement durable. Gold sponsor, même, au sein d’une équipe de 70 entreprises, parmi lesquelles se trouvent également Implenia, Avireal, Hublot Oerlikon, 3S et Meyer-Burger. Entretien avec le CEO Carlos Moreira, peu après sa descente d’avion.

Comment s’est déroulé le voyage?

Succès total. Une excellente symbiose politico-économique. Les officiels ont fait un travail extraordinaire. Nous avons vu des politiciens et des dirigeants d’entreprises. Nous avons aussi rendu visite à l’équipe d’Alinghi, avec laquelle nous entretenons actuellement des contacts très étroits.

Parlez-vous arabe?

Non. Pas encore! Cela ne pose pas problème, la majorité des executives ayant été formés dans les universités américaines. La Suisse et les Emirats sont très complémentaires. Le savoir suisse s’adapte aux besoins stratégiques du pays: environnement, énergies renouvelables, haute sécurité et finance.

Comment avez-vous été attiré dans le bazar de Masdar City?

Nous avons été contactés par Rolf Gobet, directeur de la promotion industrielle de Genève. Ce projet est important pour la Suisse, unique pays au monde qui y dispose d’un pavillon. Ce village est gigantesque, environ 20% de la ville de Masdar. Les Suisses s’activeront dans la construction, diverses technologies, l’énergie solaire et éolienne. Et la partie sécuritaire qui nous concerne. Il y a aussi un projet de compensation du carbone qui nous intéresse.

En quoi la route de Masdar conduit-elle en Chine?

Masdar sera un laboratoire pour des technologies produites (notamment) en Chine. Par exemple, les développements sur carte à puce, le cryptage. L’expansion asiatique est naturelle, recelant des marchés de taille pour nos utilisateurs de numéros d’identité. J’étais en Chine et j’y ai vu une superpuissance à tous les niveaux. Et un partenaire stratégique pour une Suisse qui s’affirme dans le groupe des dix pays les plus compétitifs au monde. (FG)

jeudi 22 octobre 2009

WISeKey estará presente en la villa suiza de Masdar City, Emiratos Árabes Unidos

WISeKey estará presente en la villa suiza de Masdar City, Emiratos Árabes Unidos

RAS AL KHAIMAH, EAU, October 22 /PRNewswire/ -- WISeKey fue parte de la delegación suiza de Pierre-François Unger, Ministro de Economía y Salud, Estado y República de Ginebra, que visitó esta semana Masdar City, cerca de Abu Dhabi (EAU).

Durante la visita, WISeKey confirmó su intención de estar entre los primeros arrendatarios en moverse a la villa suiza en Masdar City. Suiza es el único país hasta ahora en recibir su propio vecindario en la ciudad ecológica. Las tecnologías WISeKey eSecurity podrán seleccionar clientes no sólo en la misma Madar y Abu Dhabi, sino en toda la región del Golfo. Abu Dhabi pretende hacer de Masdar City un centro global para la energía renovable. WISeKey planea desarrollar un importante papel en asegurar Masdar City y la villa suiza.

Más de 70 compañías forman parte de la Swiss Village Association. WISeKey estará implicada como patrocinador gold y socio estratégico. Otras compañías son Implenia, la mayor constructora de Suiza, Avireal, una compañía de bienes inmuebles Avireal, Hublot, el lujoso fabricante de relojes, así como los tres grandes agentes de la industria de energía solar suiza: Oerlikon, 3S y Meyer-Burger.

Como primera gran economía productora de hidrocarbono en dar dicho paso, Abu Dhabi ha establecido su posición de liderazgo lanzando la Masdar Initiative. La Masdar Initiative impulsada por la Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar), una filial propiedad total de la Mubadala Development Company (Mubadala) es una plataforma cooperativa global para la implicación abierta en búsqueda de soluciones para algunos de los problemas más acuciantes para la humanidad: seguridad energética, cambio climático y el desarrollo de experiencia humana y sostenibilidad.

Carlos Moreira, consejero delegado y fundador de WISekey, dijo a los informadores que ha habido un aumento considerable en el nivel de concienciación sobre la seguridad entre las compañías locales en los EAU en los últimos años pero añadió que muchas compañías continuaron abrigando el concepto equivocado de que la tecnología o los consultores podrían resolver todos sus problemas. Explicó que las compañías locales deben luchar por una combinación de tecnologías de confianza, prácticas recomendadas y altos niveles de concienciación. WISeKey anunciará próximamente el establecimiento de WISekey UAE para ayudar al mercado.

En Masdar, WISekey expandirá, el programa web diseñado para utilizar identificación en Internet y digital para ayudar a la compensación de huellas de carbono con el objetivo final de respaldar los proyectos de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero y acelerar la transición al futuro de la energía limpia. Internet es un fantástico lugar para reducir las compensaciones de carbono pero puede ser más eficiente que otras medidas que permiten a la persona ayudar a combatir el cambio climático, y reducir al tiempo las mismas o más emisiones de dióxido de carbono. A través de, los usuarios adquieren certificados de energía renovable digital (WISeKey Digital Certificate) que les permiten demostrar su compromiso de lucha contra el calentamiento global a través de todas sus transacciones de Internet, e-mails y navegación web. Este certificado digital se hará muy visible y se promoverá un mecanismo transaccional para comerciar energías alternativas en una Internet fiable.

WISeKey estará presente en la villa suiza de Masdar City, Emiratos Árabes Unidos

WISeKey estará presente en la villa suiza de Masdar City, Emiratos Árabes Unidos

RAS AL KHAIMAH, EAU, October 22 /PRNewswire/ -- WISeKey fue parte de la delegación suiza de Pierre-François Unger, Ministro de Economía y Salud, Estado y República de Ginebra, que visitó esta semana Masdar City, cerca de Abu Dhabi (EAU).

Durante la visita, WISeKey confirmó su intención de estar entre los primeros arrendatarios en moverse a la villa suiza en Masdar City. Suiza es el único país hasta ahora en recibir su propio vecindario en la ciudad ecológica. Las tecnologías WISeKey eSecurity podrán seleccionar clientes no sólo en la misma Madar y Abu Dhabi, sino en toda la región del Golfo. Abu Dhabi pretende hacer de Masdar City un centro global para la energía renovable. WISeKey planea desarrollar un importante papel en asegurar Masdar City y la villa suiza.

Más de 70 compañías forman parte de la Swiss Village Association. WISeKey estará implicada como patrocinador gold y socio estratégico. Otras compañías son Implenia, la mayor constructora de Suiza, Avireal, una compañía de bienes inmuebles Avireal, Hublot, el lujoso fabricante de relojes, así como los tres grandes agentes de la industria de energía solar suiza: Oerlikon, 3S y Meyer-Burger.

Como primera gran economía productora de hidrocarbono en dar dicho paso, Abu Dhabi ha establecido su posición de liderazgo lanzando la Masdar Initiative. La Masdar Initiative impulsada por la Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar), una filial propiedad total de la Mubadala Development Company (Mubadala) es una plataforma cooperativa global para la implicación abierta en búsqueda de soluciones para algunos de los problemas más acuciantes para la humanidad: seguridad energética, cambio climático y el desarrollo de experiencia humana y sostenibilidad.

Carlos Moreira, consejero delegado y fundador de WISekey, dijo a los informadores que ha habido un aumento considerable en el nivel de concienciación sobre la seguridad entre las compañías locales en los EAU en los últimos años pero añadió que muchas compañías continuaron abrigando el concepto equivocado de que la tecnología o los consultores podrían resolver todos sus problemas. Explicó que las compañías locales deben luchar por una combinación de tecnologías de confianza, prácticas recomendadas y altos niveles de concienciación. WISeKey anunciará próximamente el establecimiento de WISekey UAE para ayudar al mercado.

En Masdar, WISekey expandirá, el programa web diseñado para utilizar identificación en Internet y digital para ayudar a la compensación de huellas de carbono con el objetivo final de respaldar los proyectos de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero y acelerar la transición al futuro de la energía limpia. Internet es un fantástico lugar para reducir las compensaciones de carbono pero puede ser más eficiente que otras medidas que permiten a la persona ayudar a combatir el cambio climático, y reducir al tiempo las mismas o más emisiones de dióxido de carbono. A través de, los usuarios adquieren certificados de energía renovable digital (WISeKey Digital Certificate) que les permiten demostrar su compromiso de lucha contra el calentamiento global a través de todas sus transacciones de Internet, e-mails y navegación web. Este certificado digital se hará muy visible y se promoverá un mecanismo transaccional para comerciar energías alternativas en una Internet fiable.

Fundada en 1999 en Ginebra (Suiza), WISeKey es una de las principales compañías de software y servicios del mundo, con clientes como corporaciones de primera clase como Microsoft y gobiernos como el estado de Ginebra. Para más información, póngase en contacto con:

mercredi 24 juin 2009

Un centenar de expertos de empresas TIC acuden a Málaga Valley para tratar la seguridad en Internet

Cremades afirma que el Club apoyará económicamente los proyectos culturales de la ciudad para impulsar la marca Málaga

La VI cumbre del Club Málaga Valley reunirá mañana a un centenar de representantes de las compañías punteras en innovación y Tecnología de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) como BT, Oesia, Oracle o Google que abordarán estrategias comunes para "fortalecer el liderazgo tecnológico de Málaga en Europa y el Mediterráneo", según indicó hoy el alcalde de Málaga, Francisco de la Torre. Entre las personalidades más destacadas se encuentran el consejero delegado del BBVA, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, y el reconocido tecnólogo a nivel mundial en materia de seguridad de los sistemas TIC, Bruce Schneier.

En este sentido, De la Torre destacó en rueda de prensa la conferencia que Bruce Schneier ofrecerá esta tarde sobre los sistemas de seguridad en Internet, dentro del seminario 'Cómo pueden sobrevivir las empresas al día después: los nuevos retos de la seguridad en la sociedad de la información'.

En el marco del encuentro organizado para mañana, los asistentes firmarán además el 'Manifiesto del Club Málaga Valley por Málaga 2016 Capital Europea de la Cultura', "en el que se señala la importancia que tiene en la sociedad de la información, el vínculo entre la cultura y la innovación y las nuevas tecnologías".

"Málaga es una ciudad idónea para ser centro tecnológico de Europa y capital europea de la cultura", resaltó el regidor, quien además anunció que en la reunión se informará "de diversos proyectos de inversión en las empresas del Club, que están creando una imagen y capacidad de fortalecimiento de Málaga como espacio de referencia en el sector TIC".

El encuentro contará con la presencia de la secretaria general de Telecomunicaciones y Sociedad de la Información de la Consejería de Innvoación y Ciencia, Pilar Rodríguez, algo que "nos alegra muchísimo ya que así se demuestra, de manera visible, como todas las administraciones colaboran de forma directa en este ámbito", según indicó el primer edil.

También intervendrán otros miembros del Club, entre los que se encuentran la rectora de la Universidad de Málaga, Adelaida de la Calle; el presidente de Wisekey, Carlos Moreira; el consejero delegado de Google, Javier Rodríguez-Zapatero; el consejero delegado de Neo-Sky, César Arranz; el presidente de Secuware, Carlos Jiménez; el vicepresidente de BT Iberia, Jacinto Cavestany, entre otros.

"Estoy orgulloso de que Málaga sea la ciudad escogida por este grupo de empresarios en un proyecto nacional e internacional, donde el nombre de Málaga fortalece el proyecto por la singularidad de la ciudad y en el que cada vez se avanza más", apostilló.


Por su parte, el presidente del Club Málaga Valley, Javier Cremades, destacó que la firma del manifiesto en apoyo a la candidatura de Málaga 2016 "reforzará las condiciones de Málaga para ser vista como un entorno destacado, de forma que las empresas puedan pensar en afincarse y elegir la ciudad como base de sus operaciones".

"El talento busca infraestructuras, equipamientos, conectividad, clima, etc; pero también busca cultura, y que Málaga sea capital europea de la cultura refuerza su capacidad de liderazgo", explicó.

Como una de las novedades de la cumbre, Cremades señaló que se abrirá una línea de colaboración entre el club y los proyectos culturales de la ciudad mediante la cual se apoyará económicamente dichos proyectos con el objetivo de impulsar la marca 'Málaga' dentro del ámbito de la tecnología y la cultura.


Por otro lado, el presidente de Wisekey, Carlos Moreiras, destacó que Málaga es una ciudad que "tiene los medios tecnológicos e intelectuales necesarios para poder posicionarse de forma definitiva en el centro de operaciones de ciberseguridad".

Además, señaló que el Banco Mundial prevé un movimiento de 300 millones de personas en el año 2050, porque "sus países no les darán garantías necesarias para poder sobrevivir", por lo que "se está estudiando la posibilidad de que la Fundación Hassan II utilice Málaga para coordinar a través de Internet los aspectos de migración de cinco millones de marroquíes que hoy en día están fuera de su país".

"Este proyecto ayudará a los inmigrantes a que puedan seguir utilizando los servicios que tradicionalmente tenían en sus casas", aclaró Moreiras, al tiempo que señaló que "la idea es hacerlo a través de Málaga con Rabat para, posteriormente, extenderlo a otros países de la Cuenca Mediterránea".

Por su parte, el presidente y vicepresidente de la Confederación de Empresarios de Málaga (CEM), Vicente García y Javier González de Lara, respectivamente, invitaron a las empresas foráneas "a hacer de Málaga un lugar de preferencia en cuanto al establecimiento de empresas tecnológicas".

vendredi 19 juin 2009

WISekey to provide Digital Certification technologies to the Cecilia Attias Foundation

Photo: Carlos with Cecilia Attias during the presentation of her foundation yesterday in Geneva.

Geneva, 19th June 2009 - WISekey will be providing Digital Certification Services and use of the HighTrusted Platform to the Cecilia Attias Foundation for Women which is providing concrete improvement in the lives of women worldwide by serving as a strategic, media, and financial platform for small and moderate sized, established non-governmental organizations, associations and foundations who champion the cause of women’s equality and well-being.

The Digital Certification Services and use of the HighTrusted Platform to be used by the Cecilia Attias Foundation is designed to deliver integrity and accountability capabilities for Web services transactions through centralized digital signatures and timestamping. This service provides critical functions for participating organizations to the work of the foundation (companies, NGOs, international organizations, foundations and individuals) executing transactions with full accountability, privacy and audit.

The services to be provided will include:

Establishment of a Digital Certificate Seal to be displayed on web sites of organizations members of the foundation.
PKI and Digital signatures to represent approval of the transaction by the organizations involved in the transaction
Evidence that the transaction occurred at a particular moment in time
Verification that the transaction has not been altered since it was signed and reached the recipient appointed by the foundation.
Deliver a verification an audit trail of all records even a significant period of time after the transaction occurred

WISekey is presently supporting the work of many foundations and NGOs allowing them to use the Internet for Secure Electronic Transactions and to launch initiatives in this area. WISekey is also teaming with NPO/NGO organizations around the world to develop via the Internet public investment programs that improve access to basic human needs, health, mobility, education, and economic opportunities. We focus this work on underserved communities and look for solutions that harness the power of digital identification on the Internet and trusted communications technology.

jeudi 18 juin 2009

Project on how to leverage Geneva’s Oil Trading Platform to an Alternative Energy Trading Platform renewable energy using the Internet

Project on how to leverage Geneva’s Oil Trading Platform to an Alternative Energy Trading Platform renewable energy using the Internet

Geneva ties with London as Europe’s Number One oil trading hub with roughly one-third or about 700 million tons per year of the world’s free oil trade in terms of physical trade. Also about 75% of Russian exports of crude oil and oil products are managed through Geneva. Of the 85 million barrels per day of crude oil consumed daily, we estimate that about 30 million barrels are traded internationally. To this volume, which corresponds to about 1.5 billion tons annually, one should add about 600,000 tons of refined products (corresponding to the quantity transported by sea).

The typical trader based in Geneva buys a commodity from a producer and sells it to an importer or final user, moving the commodity from one location to another. The trader’s expertise is in transport, logistics, financial instruments and risk management. The more the trader manages the logistics in purchasing further upstream and selling further downstream, the more he can obtain a competitive advantage. Geneva’s trading companies tend to specialize in certain commodities, for example, in oil and/or gas, steel or in such “soft” commodities as grains, vegetable oils and oilseeds, rice, coffee, sugar, ethanol, cotton or paper pulp and paper. Interestingly, we see that both oil and sugar traders, for different reasons, are starting to expand into trading ethanol.

World Trade Center Geneva, WISekey and the OISTE Foundation in Geneva are presently working with the Global Clinton Initiative and the Global Climate Summit to develop a an electronic trading platform for renewable energy credits, the first of its kind within the environmental brokerage community .

The objective will be to leverage the position of Geneva as a world trading hub to become the hub for an electronic trading platform for renewable energy
Credits. The platform will be based on existing WISekey technology using the Internet . The electronic trading platform for renewable energy provides a real-time forum for buyers and sellers of renewable energy credits (RECs) to review available inventory and place bids or offers for all tradable REC programs from a single location.

This market is totally unregulated as alternative energy generators, resellers, marketers, and other parties interested in renewable energy credits trading only rely on more fragmented, intrusive "voice brokerage" channels to
identify inventories and counterparties for REC purchases and sales.

By locating this electronic trading platform for renewable energy in Geneva will allow organizations located in the city and new one moving to Geneva to speed, and centralization to a burgeoning albeit complicated and fragmented
Market. Renewable energy credits, also called "green tags", are tradable environmental commodities issued by an appropriate oversight entity to represent a set amount of energy produced (typically 1,000 kilowatt hours) from renewable natural resources, such as solar, wind and biomass.

WISeKey lands CH 4.5 Million in Anti-Counterfeiting and New Generation Digital Identification technology contracts

WISeKey lands CH 4.5 Million in Anti-Counterfeiting and New Generation Digital Identification technology contracts


Geneva, 16th June 2009 – WISeKey SA announced today that it has received orders in June totaling CHF 4.5 million from several clients from its anti-counterfeiting and Digital Identity system that safeguards and verifies the authenticity of luxury goods and protects the digital identity of users.

"Together with the Digital Identification, the anti-counterfeiting industry continues to aggressively pursue the use of our WISeAuthentic technology," said Carlos Moreira, the company's president and CEO, in a statement. "We are pleased to have prestigious brands as significant customers for our proprietary technology and are looking forward to the continued development and application of our patent pending technology in new areas related to the anti-counterfeiting market."

Counterfeiting represents approximately five to seven percent of all world trade and with the luxury brand industries estimated to reach one trillion dollars (US) by 2010, these companies need a solution that will prove authenticity. The technology is virtually fail-safe, as the encrypted digital information within the SmartCard’s chip is impossible to replicate and will remain so for the foreseeable future, according to analysts, mathematicians and academic experts who participated in the development of WISeKey’s technology. WISeAuthentic is also available for use with jewelry, beauty products, haute couture, jet aircraft and automotive parts, luxury goods, pharmaceuticals, software and entertainment.

In addition to the anti-counterfeiting contracts, WISeKey has closed deals in the area of Digital Identification using WISeKey’s new generation semantic validation system which leverages the Web 2.0 functionalities and goes further by taking Citizen services into Web 3.0 interactions. Essentially, citizens will be able to access and transact through citizen services online with different logon mechanisms. Depending on the logon mechanism used, the Citizen portal will be adapted automatically to the functionalities allowed by the logon mechanism used. For example, with a high security electronic identity card, a citizen would be able to undertake the most complex citizen transactions whilst the use of a simple login/password mechanism would limit the functionalities available to the Citizen.

For more information on this solution please visit

Estrella Vela
Carlos Moreno
+41 22 594 30 00

WISeKey lands CH 4.5 Million in Anti-Counterfeiting and New Generation Digital Identification technology contracts

WISeKey lands CH 4.5 Million in Anti-Counterfeiting and New Generation Digital Identification technology contracts


Geneva, 16th June 2009 – WISeKey SA announced today that it has received orders in June totaling CHF 4.5 million from several clients from its anti-counterfeiting and Digital Identity system that safeguards and verifies the authenticity of luxury goods and protects the digital identity of users.

"Together with the Digital Identification, the anti-counterfeiting industry continues to aggressively pursue the use of our WISeAuthentic technology," said Carlos Moreira, the company's president and CEO, in a statement. "We are pleased to have prestigious brands as significant customers for our proprietary technology and are looking forward to the continued development and application of our patent pending technology in new areas related to the anti-counterfeiting market."

Counterfeiting represents approximately five to seven percent of all world trade and with the luxury brand industries estimated to reach one trillion dollars (US) by 2010, these companies need a solution that will prove authenticity. The technology is virtually fail-safe, as the encrypted digital information within the SmartCard’s chip is impossible to replicate and will remain so for the foreseeable future, according to analysts, mathematicians and academic experts who participated in the development of WISeKey’s technology. WISeAuthentic is also available for use with jewelry, beauty products, haute couture, jet aircraft and automotive parts, luxury goods, pharmaceuticals, software and entertainment.

In addition to the anti-counterfeiting contracts, WISeKey has closed deals in the area of Digital Identification using WISeKey’s new generation semantic validation system which leverages the Web 2.0 functionalities and goes further by taking Citizen services into Web 3.0 interactions. Essentially, citizens will be able to access and transact through citizen services online with different logon mechanisms. Depending on the logon mechanism used, the Citizen portal will be adapted automatically to the functionalities allowed by the logon mechanism used. For example, with a high security electronic identity card, a citizen would be able to undertake the most complex citizen transactions whilst the use of a simple login/password mechanism would limit the functionalities available to the Citizen.

For more information on this solution please visit

Estrella Vela
Carlos Moreno
+41 22 594 30 00

mercredi 15 avril 2009

WISeKey abre filial no Brasil com Brasilinvest

WISeKey abre filial no Brasil com Brasilinvest

por Ana Cecília Americano | Gazeta Mercantil


Empresa de segurança faturou R$ 150 milhões no ano passado e tem crescido na casa de 100% ao ano

A suíça WISekey anuncia, nesta quarta-feira (15/04), a abertura de uma filial no Brasil em parceria com a Brasilinvest. A empresa que faturou US$ 150 milhões no ano passado - e que tem registrado um crescimento do faturamento na casa dos 100% ao ano - é especializada em soluções de segurança para a Internet.

De olho em um mercado onde 35 milhões de brasileiros surfam com regularidade na internet, a WISeKey chega ao País trazendo na bagagem serviços como a identificação de pessoas e objetos na internet. Para tanto, usa uma série de tecnologias de segurança que passam por cartões inteligentes com assinatura digital e com certificados de segurança, podendo dispor de dispositivos para a identificação por meio de leitura biométrica. "Com a nossa tecnologia, criamos na internet portas e fechaduras digitais", resume seu fundador e principal executivo, o suíço Carlos Moreira, que veio ao País, a convite do World Economic Forum, realizado no Rio de Janeiro.

Suas soluções são voltadas a comunidades na internet - corporativas, privadas ou governamentais -- de forma a garantir a realização de transações com segurança, desde a troca de documentos confidenciais a transferências financeiras. Alguns dos concorrentes internacionais - diretos ou indiretos -- da suíça já estão no Brasil, como a francesa Gemalto e a alemã GD, que no Brasil atua como GD Burti.

Uma de suas soluções mais conhecidas é o cartão de identidade digital para o acesso a computadores que rodam o sistema operacional Windows. Fazendo as vezes de uma chave digital física, ele informa ao sistema qual é o usuário que busca o acesso e lhe fornece o seu perfil. Segundo Moreira, a WISeKey já possui 40 milhões de identificações como essa no mercado.

Outro segmento em que a WISeKey atua é em sistemas que permitem a transferência de valores via celulares, com segurança. "Há no mundo 3 bilhões de pessoas que são donas de celulares, mas apenas 2 bilhões delas detêm contas bancárias", afirma o empresário. Uma de suas soluções permite aos não bancarizados a transferência de valores por meio do chip (SIN) do celular. "Hoje, as operadoras dispõem de SINs que têm capacidade de estocar valores, mas não oferecem o serviço por falta de segurança", comenta Moreira. Segundo o empresário, seu serviço permite o envio de créditos entre celulares, os quais podem ser transferidos ao cartão inteligente e retirados em caixas eletrônicos.

Segundo o seu sócio brasileiro Fernando Monteiro de Carvalho Garnero, presidente da Brasilinvest, o mercado alvo inicial da WISeKey no Brasil serão os bancos, tradicionalmente mais ousados na adoção de novas tecnologias. Ele espera, ainda, a entrada de novos sócios que possam complementar as soluções do sócio suíço com tecnologia brasileira e exportar a solução completa para outros países. "Temos conversas adiantadas com a Novo e-pay", disse sem detalhar.

Wisekey chega ao Brasil por meio de joint venture com o grupo Brasilinvest

Wisekey chega ao Brasil por meio de joint venture com o grupo Brasilinvest
Por Rodrigo Caetano, repórter do Computerworld
Publicada em 14 de abril de 2009 - 18h25
São Paulo - Empresa suíça especializada em certificação digital quer massificar a tecnologia no País.

O grupo Brasilinvest e a Wisekey, empresa suíça especializada em certificação digital, anunciaram a formação de uma joint venture para a criação da Wisekey Brasil. A empresa, que tem como objetivo massificar o uso de certificados digitais no País, deve começar a operar nos próximos três meses.

Segundo Carlos Moreira, fundador e CEO da Wisekey, a companhia vai atuar com foco, principalmente, no setor financeiro e governamental. A empresa vai oferecer ao mercado, além de certificação, uma plataforma que permite fazer transações usando os certificados.

>> Opine nos debates sobre segurança na CW Connect

O grande desafio na área de certificação é massificar o uso da tecnologia, de acordo com Moreira. Para isso, a empresa pretende oferecer um produto independente do governo. A raiz dos certificados da Wisekey está baseada em padrões da OISTE (Organização Internacional para a Segurança de Transações Eletrônicas), uma fundação baseada em Genebra criada para promover o uso da tecnologia.

De acordo com o executivo, isso garante a isonomia e independência da solução, uma vez que, mesmo no caso da Wisekey ser adquirida por um competidor, o controle dessa raiz está nas mãos da OISTE. Outras empresas do setor, como a Verisign, não contam com esse tipo de segurança, destacou Moreira.

Para o executivo, à medida que forem surgindo serviços atrelados à certificação digital, o uso da tecnologia tende a crescer. A ideia é que as empresa usem os certificados para formarem redes sociais restritas, que viabilizam a concretização de transações via internet de maneira segura.


Copyright 2009 Now!Digital Business Ltda. Todos os direitos reservados.

Wisekey chega ao Brasil por meio de joint venture com o grupo Brasilinvest

Segurança > Certificação digital
Wisekey chega ao Brasil por meio de joint venture com o grupo Brasilinvest
Por Rodrigo Caetano, repórter do Computerworld
Publicada em 14 de abril de 2009 - 18h25
São Paulo - Empresa suíça especializada em certificação digital quer massificar a tecnologia no País.

O grupo Brasilinvest e a Wisekey, empresa suíça especializada em certificação digital, anunciaram a formação de uma joint venture para a criação da Wisekey Brasil. A empresa, que tem como objetivo massificar o uso de certificados digitais no País, deve começar a operar nos próximos três meses.

Segundo Carlos Moreira, fundador e CEO da Wisekey, a companhia vai atuar com foco, principalmente, no setor financeiro e governamental. A empresa vai oferecer ao mercado, além de certificação, uma plataforma que permite fazer transações usando os certificados.

>> Opine nos debates sobre segurança na CW Connect

O grande desafio na área de certificação é massificar o uso da tecnologia, de acordo com Moreira. Para isso, a empresa pretende oferecer um produto independente do governo. A raiz dos certificados da Wisekey está baseada em padrões da OISTE (Organização Internacional para a Segurança de Transações Eletrônicas), uma fundação baseada em Genebra criada para promover o uso da tecnologia.

De acordo com o executivo, isso garante a isonomia e independência da solução, uma vez que, mesmo no caso da Wisekey ser adquirida por um competidor, o controle dessa raiz está nas mãos da OISTE. Outras empresas do setor, como a Verisign, não contam com esse tipo de segurança, destacou Moreira.

Para o executivo, à medida que forem surgindo serviços atrelados à certificação digital, o uso da tecnologia tende a crescer. A ideia é que as empresa usem os certificados para formarem redes sociais restritas, que viabilizam a concretização de transações via internet de maneira segura.


Copyright 2009 Now!Digital Business Ltda. Todos os direitos reservados.

dimanche 1 mars 2009

Countering the counterfeiters

Imagine your delight upon opening the beautifully wrapped Christmas gift from a loved one and discovering what you have been dreaming about these past several months – a magnificent Franck Muller Casablanca Chronograph in pink gold with a beautiful handmade alligator strap (approx. retail value $55,000). “Oh, darling, you shouldn’t have.” “It’s OK, dear. I bought it at a special sale.” “Well, that’s all right then.”

A few days later, noticing it needed a slight adjustment, you take it to your local Franck Muller boutique, where the sales assistant welcomes you with a smile and open arms, “What can I do for you, sir?” “My watch – a Christmas gift from my wife – is losing around two minutes a day.” “No problem, sir. If you’ll just have a seat, this will only take a few moments,” says the sales assistant as he disappears behind the iron-barred, steellocked doors to the work-room. Upon emerging a few minutes later with a slightly disconcerted look on his face, he says rather curtly, “We cannot fix this. It is a fake.” “What? That cannot be. Why, I have here the Certificate of Origin.” Examining the “certificate” with not a trace of a smile, the sales assistant says, “This is also counterfeit. Is there anything else we can do for you?” he hastily adds with a sharp glance towards the door.

If you think this scenario is farfetched, then you may be in for a shock when you look at the numbers regarding the counterfeiting of luxury brands. In fact, our erstwhile luxury watch aficionado was fortunate in leaving the shop with his “Franck Muller” still in his hands, as the law requires the confiscation and destruction of counterfeit goods.

The counterfeiting numbers

The total annual global sales of luxury-brand goods are estimated to reach US$ 1 trillion by 2010, with the top-level companies enjoying operating margins to the order of 60–70%. Not a bad round figure, even considering the current financial crisis.

However, the sector is plagued by counterfeiters; in fact, counterfeiting represents the biggest threat these brands have to face and is a major concern of most manufacturers. The overall figure is indeed staggering: counterfeiting represents some 5–7% of all world trade – and it is increasing every year. In 2007, according to the latest figures, the number of seizures of counterfeit goods in the European Union increased by 17% to reach some 43,671 incidents. Not surprisingly, the sectors most affected were the jewellery and horological sectors (an increase in seizures of fake goods of 89% over the preceding year; around 1.8 million items) and the beauty products sector (seizures of counterfeit items up 264% over previous year; more than 6 million items).

Furthermore, according to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Geneva, the annual global cost of counterfeit merchandise has risen to approximately US$ 650 billion and industry analysts estimate that this is likely to double by 2014. Given these figures, a country such as Switzerland, for example, is losing around $10 billion in sales due to the counterfeit “parallel” market.

Clearly, the inroad made by counterfeit merchandise into the luxury goods sector is no small potatoes. This is due in large part to the increased sophistication of counterfeiters. In times past, it was easy to spot a fake Louis Vuitton handbag or a false Hermès scarf; but the times have changed – it nowadays most often takes an expert to detect the false among the authentic.

Is there nothing to curb this intrusion into the lives (and purchases) of the millions who crave the finest the world has to offer in luxury goods? Or for that matter, is there no way to protect and minimize the increased risks shared among investors/collectors who relish the acquisition of such items for possible future high returns on their investments? Yes there is, if a major player in the area of numeric identification and security of information has anything to say about it.
The WISeKey solution

Just try counterfeiting this …!
As a world leader in its field, WISeKey specializes in the secure protection of information and the identification and authentication of persons and objects by developing and utilizing network infrastructures and the Internet to guarantee secure communications and electronic transactions – without compromising the highest level of confidentiality.

Based on its extensive experience and technologies, WISeKey has devised a system – which at first glace seems utterly simple and logical, yet belies its underlying high-level technology – that is capable of safeguarding and verifying the authenticity of luxury goods, at a cost that is a small fraction of the amount of sales lost to counterfeiters.

In effect, every product made by a luxury goods manufacturer – whether a watch, a handbag, a piece of jewellery or whatever – would, in addition to its “Certificate of Origin”, be accompanied and sold with a fully customized electronic version of the certificate of origin or unique object identity containing encrypted details of the product, such as registration number, bar code, date and place of manufacture, etc. Manufacturers, sales outlets and purchasers would then be able to use the object identity to verify instantly via the Internet the authenticity of the product using WISeKeydeveloped technology – namely, WISeAuthentic (for which Swiss and international patents have been filed).

“The technology,” explains Carlos Moreira, WISeKey CEO, “is based on digital identification encrypted in each product’s object identity. What we provide is the service by which this can be used to access the manufacturer’s website and gain access to a special area of the website where the product can be identified as part of the company’s inventory. If the encrypted information on the object identity is not recognized, access to the website’s special area is denied.”

As with bank cards, the manufacturer itself produces a product’s information-encrypted object identity and then pays a nominal fee – in the case of a high-end watch, for example, WISeKey estimates the cost per inquiry at around 0.05% of the overall value of the watch – each time the manufacturer’s website is accessed – using the licensed WISeAuthentic technology – to verify the product’s authenticity.

The technology is virtually failsafe, as the encrypted digital information, within, for example, a smart card’s chip, is impossible to replicate and will remain so for the foreseeable future, according to analysts, mathematicians and academic experts who participated in the development of WISeKey’s technology.

Not only would the WISeAuthentic Service object identity combination provide a fail-safe system for manufacturers and purchasers, but it would be a boon to police and customs authorities (not to mention e-Bay), who would be able to verify the authenticity – or non-authenticity – of a truckload of hundreds of cases of, say, Cartier jewellery in a matter of a few clicks on the Internet, thereby negating the use of expensive machines currently used for this purpose.
Counterfeiters beware

While initially WISeKey is pursuing the development and implementation of WISeAuthentic within the luxury goods sector (WISeKey plans to make an announcement at the World Economic Forum in Davos next January regarding the first global implementation of this technology), the beauty of the concept, according to Moreira, “is that it can be utilized for any product requiring certification of authenticity and be used anywhere in the world through a single Internet connection or even via a phone with Internet connectivity.”

Whether it be watches, jewellery, pharmaceuticals, beauty products, haute couture and even food (caviar, as just one example of a top-grade comestible susceptible to falsifying) or more exotic items such as jet aircraft engines or high-tech automobile parts (yes, even these are being invaded by counterfeiters), whatever the product requiring certification of origin, the WISeAuthentic technology can be used for verification purposes.

In short, if WISeKey has its way, counterfeiters may well have to find new avenues to pursue – but when they do, they will in time be thwarted there as well, and it will most likely be WISeKey

mardi 10 février 2009

Geneva Vision on eVoting rewarded by the vote

The eVoting acceptance by the Geneva population rewards the vision of Geneva Government, WISeKey and its partners in developing secure technologies to facilitate the Citizen interaction with their governments.

This Sunday Citizens in Geneva voted in favor of the Geneva eVotiong project by an overwhelming 70 per cent. With this vote of confidence voters decided to enshrine electronic voting in the constitution making Geneva the first of Switzerland's 26 cantons to do so.

This project stated in March 2000, at that time the Cantonal executive (Conseil d'Etat) agreed on a proposal to implement e-voting within the subsequent three subsequent three years.

In the course of a public subscription in fall 2000, two private enterprises (Hewlett-Packard and WISekey SA) were selected for working out the design of the system and the adequate software requirements. At the same time, various experts from reputable local institutions (CERN, University, central hospital etc.) were chosen for studying various critical issues of e-voting procedures (e.g. problems of voter identification, security and confidentiality of votings etc.).
The e-voting system was introduced by the Chancellor of the State of Geneva in collaboration with two private companies located in Geneva, namely, Hewlett-Packard and WISeKey . This public-private sector partnership was needed in order to develop a solution compatible with the Swiss voting habits and legal constraints. WISeKey played a crucial role in security of the e-voting system in the State of Geneva. The objective was to guarantee the secrecy of voting and to make sure that votes are not intercepted, modified, nor diverted, and to ensure that many other conditions of secrecy were fulfilled, such as:

· ensuring that each voter can vote only once;

· restricting e-voting access to registered voters;

· allowing access to the system only during the voting period, from the official opening to the official closing of the e-Ballot box;

· ensuring that the ballot box can only be counted in the presence of the minimum quorum of electoral representatives;

· and many others.

WISekey has since this pilot project assisted many governments with their citizen to government applications with the development in cooperation with Microsoft of a Citizen Service Platform which includes evoting among of many other services provided to the citizens that via leading-edge identity federation that enables the establishment of customized citizen portals adapted to the needs and the interests of each citizen in a real Web 2.0 environment.

More information at:

samedi 7 février 2009

The Future is Now

The Future is now
2/6/2009 by Richard Casna, SWISS STYLE
WISeKey has the key to open the door
A few years ago a young man had had a single (and somewhat simple) idea: to make the Internet secure. The Web was in its early days, as were computers, e-mails, e-commerce and all the other e-concepts, many of which were still figments of imagination.

But this young man also had a vision that looked far into the future: he foresaw a time when the need for security and trust in the electronic world to come would become all-important and all-encompassing – extending into every facet of activity carried on by businesses, industry, governments and individuals. What was needed was a tool to provide that security and for building trust on the infrastructure.

In the beginning there was the key

Having spent some 15 years beginning in the mid-1980s at the UN in Geneva as United Nations expert on IT telecommunications, security and information networks section, and heading the World Technology of the United Nations Trade Point Programme, where he was responsible for the development of the world’s largest Internet network of sites and secure hubs for e-commerce (GTPNet), Carlos Moreira left the UN and set up a company in Geneva named WISeKey. The name derived from the tool that Moreira developed – “World Internet Secure Key” – during his last 3 years at the UN, which he spent at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia working as a head of a lab on a research project for Internet security.

Since then, what began as a small, one-room office in Geneva with him and three other employees has evolved into a global enterprise whose activities and products reach around the world. And as the company prepares to celebrate its 10th anniversary in February, its founder – and now numerous colleagues and partners – rather than reminiscing on the past and its many accomplishments, has his eyes set firmly on the future and how to extend the ever-expanding reach of what WISeKey offers to today’s and tomorrow’s world citizens.

Given its development of key innovations in electronic digital identification, authentication and encryption products and services, stemming from its foundation block of the basic security tool, WISeKey will no doubt fulfil that aim, as it has become today a world leader in its field with a unique trust model and neutrality – essential elements for this type of technology.

A record of achievements

In its first years of operations, the company globally launched and operated the first global Public Key Infrastructure based on a common Root Certification services jointly deployed by WISeKey, the OISTE Foundation and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Geneva. Consequently WISekey further developed and commercialized its PKI technology in several different areas related to Digital Identification, Secure Transactions, first-time solutions for e-voting in Geneva (since used in many other areas around the world as well), Citizen Services Platforms and Secure e- Government projects.

In building on this solid foundation in subsequent years, WISeKey strove to evolve its products and services through the development of its CertifyID product line, a joint project using WISekey and Microsoft technology to develop a low-cost Digital Identification platform (enabling customers both public and private to establish their own trusted identity infrastructure, with the overall premise of decentralization rather than through a centralized arrangement, thereby ensuring even more security and trust to users activities).

Based on its collaboration in its very first year with the OISTE Foundation and the development of the OISTE Trust Model, WISeKey subsequently partnered with a number of leading international organizations, including the ITU, HP, Microsoft (allowing Windows CA to issue hightrusted certificates and digital IDs), Verisign (managed PKI services to authenticate and secure business transactions and communications over the Internet) and Sun Microsystems, among others.

Its partnership with the ITU helped to develop international standards on cyber security and spawned e-commerce solutions based on the mass usage of certification by Internet users for authorized access to intranets and restricted Web-based sites, resulting in an approach that changed the entire dynamics of how the Internet is used and will further propel its transactionalbased usage into the 21st century and beyond.

In furtherance of its collaboration with the ITU in ensuring that the highest open standards are implemented to enable all countries in the world to benefit from the introduction of true e-commerce and be accessible to all regardless of origin, and guided by its drive to promote secure electronic communications worldwide – which is fully endorsed and supported by its Board and Advisory Committee – WISeKey has initiated relationships in recent years with numerous international organizations and firms to further enhance the shared opportunities provided by the electronic world. Noteworthy among these are its affiliations with the Clinton Global Initiative, the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI), the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Association for International Mobility (AIM), the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), the European Commission, the G8 Cybersecurity Working Group, the Malaga Valley, the Digital Mediterranean Space, OASIS (non-profit consortium driving open standards for global information society), Liberty Alliance (non-profit promoting of identity-related international interoperability standards) the DVB Project Office (Digital Video Broadcasting standards body), and the Global Competitiveness Forum in Saudi Arabia, among many others.

Opening the doors with the key to the future

In all these endeavours, WISeKey has remained – and remains – faithful to its original mission statement: “To facilitate and enable the mass use of secure digital identities in everyday life”. And, as an independent, neutral organization led by remarkable leadership and a team of dedicated, committed partners and colleagues, the company will do doubt continue to achieve the single overall aim first envisioned by that young man with an idea and dream a mere 10 years ago.

The next phases of the company’s evolution include the further development of its recently launched WISeAuthentic service (a cost-effective, reliable anti-counterfeiting solution), its I’M Mediterranean project and its MBanking services, bringing secure electronic credit card and banking services throughout the world’s lessdeveloped regions.

In addition, according to the company’s most recent move forward, WISekey is finalizing the procedures to list the company this year – despite the current crisis – on the Frankfurt stock exchange as a first step to its introduction as a listed company.

In opening the company to the public, WISeKey aims to further enhance its position as one of the world’s leading digital identification and security companies, and to continue to expand its product range around the globe through additional secure revenue models.

With this new positioning, WISekey is becoming an enabler for smart companies (start-ups or established) to disrupt their market. One of the opportunities enabled by WISeKey’s approach is to protect privacy and authenticity while allowing mass deployment and the exploitation the “community effect”. This way, consumers can build up trust through their paying track record. In addition, they have the potential to remain anonymous to all parties except the registering bank. And, last but not least, it allows consumers to use their (anonymous but unique) identity to join clubs or communities with similar interests.

Furthermore, WISeKey has set its eye on domains with high market potential for technology solutions that offer improved security and/or privacy for the transactions together with an improved customer experience.

In the words of its founder, “WISeKey is unique. The future is now and the future is without boundaries. The key to that is here and is based on wisdom.”

[NB: WISeKey is the only Swiss company to have been selected by the World Economic Forum as one of the 100 New Champions during the firstever meeting of New Champions, held in Dalian, China in 2007.]

Full article

jeudi 5 février 2009

Big chill at Davos

Photo: Carlos with Ikram at davos 2009

Big chill at Davos

Thursday, February 05, 2009
By Ikram Sehgal

Davos normally has a snowstorm during the WEF Annual Meeting week, but the measure of winter this year was not the weather but the deepening freeze in the world economy. Most "feel good" economic soothsayers predictably, and prudently, absented themselves along with a host of world corporate figures, many dumped by the economic slide. Among those conspicuously missing were high-profile John Thain of Merrill Lynch who lost his job, embattled Citigroup chief Vikram Pandit did not turn up to avoid hostile interrogation. Nonetheless, quite a few of world business leaders joined dozens of heads of state and government, like Chinese prime minister Wen Jiabao, Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Britain's Gordon Brown, as well as many top academics, to discuss the ongoing crisis and work out solutions and possible post-crisis initiatives. The bad news consensus: while 2009 would be a tough year the world recession would not bottom out till mid-2010, or even later. Very bad news for the Third World.

Moderated by Harvard's David Shapiro, the session on "Crisis to Prevent at All Cost" had Gareth Evans, Graham Allison, Kishore Mahbubani, Lilia Shevtsova and Luis Moreno-Ocampo highlighting the dangers: (1) assuming that the international liberal economic order will survive and not come crashing down (2) major terrorist attack by either weapons of mass destruction or a biological one and (3) deterioration of relations between Russia and the West leading to another "cold war." Among challenges identified were: (1) some effective global governance with better sharing of power in international institutions between the west, countries like Russia and China and the developing countries (2) creation of more trust in world trade between the US and EU on the one hand and countries like China and India on the other (3) combating cynicism about the NPT and bringing into the fold not only India and Pakistan but also Israel (Arab League secretary general, Amr Moussa impassionedly appealed for the recognition of all nuclear players) (4) making the International Criminal Court (ICC) more effective (5) making the UN agreement strong about intervening in a country where there is gross violation of human rights. Graham Allison and Gareth Evans encouraged addressing the root causes of terrorism and micro-level problems in ground-zero countries like Pakistan.

Another session, titled "the Global Talent Equation" was moderated by David Arkless, head of Manpower Inc, along with Brunson McKinley, former director general of IOM and Carlos Moreira of Wisekey, founding member of a new grouping dealing with international labour mobility, aptly called "Association of International Mobility (AIM)." AIM was launched at Davos on Friday, Jan 30. They debated how education, training, gender and legal issues were hurdles to recruitment of the right people for the right job. In "World-Economic Brainstorming" chaired by Maria Bartiromo, CNBC's anchor and Young Global Leader (YGL), three critical questions outlined the ongoing financial crisis: (1) most damaging policy mistakes (2) regulatory failure producing the largest systemic shock and (3) where did genuine market failure occur? The participants felt that the failure to attribute personal blame for the collapse was intriguing. There should be serious consequences for inappropriate financial behaviour, "including going to jail" like other people are so criminally charged in other fields. Do we in Pakistan have the courage to send to jail for their criminal conduct some of our fat-cat stockbrokers, and those in the SECP who were criminally negligent in failing to regulate them? Manipulating stocks and shares for their personal benefit and holding the country to economic ransom, the SECP gave time to its favourites to bail out at the expense of the taxpayers' money by suspending trading for months.

There is far more to Davos than being a rich men's club interested only in collective gloating over their wealth and partying. Why indeed do world leaders come to Davos in droves? Gordon Brown's predecessor Tony Blair was there, Germany's Angela Merkel made an appearance. UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon was passionate about the Israeli destruction of Gaza. Davos was shell-shocked when Turkish prime minister Erdogan, displaying great sensitivity to the havoc wrought by Israel in Gaza, stalked off the stage and flew off to Turkey after a shouting match with Israeli President Shimon Peres.

The Chinese prime minister spelt out the reasons for Davos: "Annual Meeting (2009) has a special significance. Amidst a global financial crisis rarely seen in history, it brings together government leaders, business people, experts and scholars of different countries to jointly explore ways to maintain international financial stability, promote world economic growth and better address global issues. The theme of 'Shaping the Post-Crisis World' is highly relevant and reflects the vision of its organisers. People from across the world are eager to hear words of wisdom from here that will give them strength to tide over the crisis. It is our responsibility to send to the world a message of confidence, courage and hope. Confidence being the source of strength, in tackling crisis practical cooperation is the effective way to prevail over crisis, accepting responsibilities is the pre-requisite." Prime Minister Wen Jiabao's suggested: (1) deepening international cooperation and promoting a sound multi-logistics trade regime (2) advancing reform of international financial system and activating the establishment of a new international financial order (3) strengthening cooperation in financial supervision and regulation guarding against the build-up and spread of financial risks (4) effectively promoting the interest of developing countries by actively supporting economic development of the whole world and (5) jointly tackling global challenges and building a better home for markets. To quote the Chinese prime minister, "the harsh winter will be gone and spring is around the corner."

I was privileged to be a panellist in the session entitled, "Future Conflict" along with Interpol's Ronald Noble, Kenneth Roth of Human Rights Watch, Lockheed Martin's Dr Ray Johnson and moderated by Prof Audrey Kurth Cronin of US National War College. We explored the possibilities of cyber-terrorism and nuclear proliferation, as well as the ground zero of Pakistan's disturbed areas. When explained properly, Pakistan's predicament was better understood by world leaders and intellectuals in Davos. Facing a barrage of hostile questioning, Prime Minister Gilani held his own at my traditional "Pakistan Breakfast" on Friday, Jan 30. Personalities like George Soros, Sonje Bata, Anand Mahindra joined a host of world business and academic leaders at eight in the morning to hear the Pakistani prime minister. Compared to over 100 Indian business leaders, only Hussain Dawood, Arif Naqvi, Zakir Mahmood and Kalim Siddiqui provided Pakistan's scant representation. This was my sixth breakfast for a Pakistani head of state or government and one is grateful that for the first time there was some recognition at home. My friends Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz, privately acknowledged the event and its effectiveness, publicly in Pakistan it never happened!

For a Pakistani head of state or of government not to go to Davos every year would be criminally negligent. We need to drastically expand private sector participation to take advantage of commercial opportunities that can be networked in Davos and government-to-government interaction without the shackles of protocol. Whether in the media, the economy, geopolitics or simply in social engagement, Davos is a must, big chill or no big chill!

The writer is a defence and political analyst. Email:

jeudi 29 janvier 2009

Manpower Inc. et WISeKey, deux des partenaires fondateurs de l'AMI, ont joué un rôle déterminant dans la création de l'indice de mobilité

GENÈVE, January 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Basée à Genève, l'AMI, a été créée en coopération avec des entreprises et des partenaires de la société civile pour permettre au secteur privé d'exercer un impact direct et efficace sur les principales questions économiques, sociales et humanitaires de la mobilité humaine.
Manpower Inc. et WISeKey, deux des partenaires fondateurs de l'AMI, ont joué un rôle déterminant dans la création de l'indice de mobilité de la main-d'oeuvre qui sera lancé lors du Forum économique mondial 2009 de Davos.
Cet indice va permettre aux gouvernements et aux entreprises du secteur privé de suivre les progrès de la politique et des pratiques relatives à la mobilité de la main-d'oeuvre sur Internet. Il inclura une analyse de la législation, de la réglementation, des comportements institutionnels, de l'accessibilité des marchés aux travailleurs étrangers, des services qui leur sont proposés ainsi que des mesures pour leur intégration, permanentes ou temporaires.
Manpower a parrainé Oxford Analytica, la société à l'origine de la méthodologie et des processus d'évaluation nécessaires pour préparer et publier l'Indice de mobilité de la main-d'oeuvre.
<< L'Indice de mobilité de la main-d'oeuvre sera un outil solide pour faire progresser la vision de l'AMI concernant un système ouvert, efficace, juste et viable de la mobilité humaine internationale, >> a déclaré Brunson McKinley, Co-président de l'AMI.
L'Association pour la mobilité internationale (AMI) plaide en faveur d'une mobilité de main-d'oeuvre internationale plus ouverte et plus flexible ; encourage des services rentables aux travailleurs étrangers et aux communautés dans lesquelles ils vivent, en particulier par le biais de la technologie mobile. L'Association sert également de point de référence et de service d'assistance aux groupes de la société civile travaillant dans le domaine de la mobilité humaine.
<< L'AMI va devenir un acteur clé dans le développement de nouvelles recommandations et méthodologies pour encourager la mobilité internationale >> a commenté David Arkless, Président des affaires gouvernementales et d'entreprises chez Manpower Inc.
<< Les technologies de sécurité électronique de WISeKey vont permettre à l'AMI d'activer l'Indice de mobilité de la main-d'oeuvre sur le Web et d'assurer un contrôle sûr, partout dans le monde >> a déclaré Carlos Moreira, PDG de WISekey.
Dans toutes ses entreprises, l'AMI cherche à renforcer l'influence et la capacité des autres acteurs de la mobilité humaine internationale (les individus, les entreprises, la société civile, les gouvernements et les autorités locales, les organisations) et met l'accent sur la dimension humaine de la mobilité internationale.
L'AMI possède un statut d'association à but non lucratif et est régie par un règlement approuvé par le gouvernement suisse. Ses membres sont des sociétés et des associations ayant des intérêts stratégiques dans la mobilité humaine ainsi que des experts internationaux de renom.
Contact : Daniel Ybarra Vice-Président Communications entreprises Tél.: +41-22-594-30-00 E-Mail:
Contact: Daniel Ybarra, Vice-Président Communications entreprises, Tél. : +41-22-594-30-00, E-Mail:

mercredi 28 janvier 2009

WISekey successfully secured the The Global Competitiveness Forum (“GCF”)

WISekey successfully secured the The Global Competitiveness Forum (“GCF”)
WISekey succesfully secured the The Global Competitiveness Forum (“GCF”) 2009 edition. The CGF is an annual meeting of top business executives, international political leaders, selected intellectuals, and academics who share an interest in global competitiveness.

Since Bill Gates opened the first Annual GCF under the theme, “ICT an Enabler of Competitiveness”, it has quickly become a global platform for constructive dialogue on core competitiveness issues, including – human resources development, international trade, knowledge based industries, FDI, the environment and sustainability, innovation, globalization – and the micro- and macroeconomic consequences of becoming globally competitive.

Keeping track of registrants' activities has never been easier with WISekey's access control and tracking solutions. Terminals and handheld scanners can collect attendee information from a badge or verify eligibility from a badge or ticket bar code. In addition to tracking access, administrators can view exhibit hall and aisle traffic reports broken out by hour or day. The Hightrusted system includes:

Provides lists of attendees for open attendance sessions
Verifies eligibility for sessions requiring sign-up
Available in desktop or handheld models
Provides valuable information about attendee traffic patterns

mardi 20 janvier 2009

WISekey to present is unique patented anti counterfeiting technology at SIHH its 19th exhibition, the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie (SIH

WISekey to present is unique patented anti counterfeiting technology at SIHH its 19th exhibition, the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie (SIHH) will be held in Geneva from 19 to 23 January 2009.

Geneva, 19th January 2009. Every product made by a luxury goods manufacturer – a watch, handbag, piece of jewellery, etc. – would be accompanied and sold with a smart device, such as a SmartCard, containing the encrypted full details of the product, ie registration number, bar code, date and place of manufacture, etc. Manufacturers, sales outlets and purchasers would then be able to use the SmartCard to verify instantly via the Internet the authenticity of the product using WISeKey-developed technology – namely, WISeAuthentic©.
“The technology,” explains Carlos Moreira, WISeKey CEO, “is based on digital identification encrypted in each product’s SmartCard. What we provide is the service by which the smart device can be used to access the manufacturer’s website and gain access to a special area of the website where the product can be identified as part of the company’s inventory. If the encrypted information on the device is not recognized, access to the website’s special area is denied.”
The technology is virtually fail-safe, as the encrypted digital information within the SmartCard’s chip is impossible to replicate and will remain so for the foreseeable future, according to analysts, mathematicians and academic experts who participated in the development of WISeKey’s technology.
Not only would the WISeAuthentic©/SmartCard combination provide a fail-safe system for manufacturers and purchasers, but it would be a boon to police and customs authorities (not to mention e-Bay), who would be able to verify the authenticity – or non-authenticity – of a truckload of hundreds of cases of, say, Cartier jewellery in a matter of a few clicks on the Internet, thereby negating the use of expensive machines currently used for this purpose.

vendredi 9 janvier 2009

El presidente de WiseKey, Carlos Moreira, uno de los miembros fundadores del Club impulsa la iniciativa de un Davos que sea plataforma de proyectos de

El presidente de WiseKey, Carlos Moreira, uno de los miembros fundadores del Club impulsa la iniciativa de un Davos que sea plataforma de proyectos de alto valor innovador, un foro de reflexión internacional en asuntos específicos, en un claro ejemplo de donde el Club coloca el listón.

Viernes 09 de Enero de 2009 - 16:12
Súbanse a Málaga Valley

Queremos hacer ruido, decirle al mundo que en Málaga apostamos muy seriamente por atraer y fidelizar el talento.
SE cumplen dos años de la constitución del Club Malaga Valley e-27. El pasado 14 de octubre se celebró la V Asamblea de Presidentes, la segunda de las dos anuales. Los padres del proyecto no se sorprenden de lo que está ocurriendo ylos que nos hemos ido 'enganchando' a este ilusionante proyecto de medio fondo.
Superadas las lógicas dificultades de este tipo de iniciativas, enfoque, unidad, credibilidad, ya empiezan a verse los primeros signos de consolidación y, como sin números podemos caer en falsos triunfalismos, ahí van unos cuantos: de los 27 presidentes de compañías del inicio, hemos pasado a mas de 60 con una presencia permanente superior a los 40. De una reunión de medio día, hemos pasado a una semana de intensa actividad. En el balance que hacía el presidente del Club, Javier Cremades mencionaba ya más de 20 acciones en los seis últimos meses. Sin duda vamos por el buen camino, ahora bien competencia de otras ciudades del mundo, dificultades varias, serán compañeras de este viaje. Sin una competencia feroz no se alcanza la excelencia.
En esta V Asamblea hablaron con su habitual saber y visión, por este orden: Francisco Ros (Secretario de Estado de Telecomunicaciones y para la Sociedad de la Información); Amparo Moraleda (presidenta de IBM España); Antonio Brufeau, (presidente de Repsol YPF); Paolo Vasile (consejero delegado de Telecinco) y Jaime Gorbeña (presidente del Grupo Bergé), para dar paso a una segunda parte de diferentes intervenciones, propuestas e intercambio de ideas, diciendo cosas tan importantes como que las crisis y más las globales provocan que los procesos de cambio se aceleren, que las decisiones estratégicas en espacios donde hay talento aportan mas competitividad, o que con la tecnología la rampa de salida de las crisis proporcionan más velocidad, y no debemos olvidar que no basta con generar talento en la Universidad Sino lo fidelizamos, se nos irá de aquí.
La ciudad empieza a enviar señales en aspectos tan claves como atracción de talento, Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TICs), energías alternativas, y otros, haciendo un círculo virtuoso alrededor de la innovación. Consecuencia de lo anterior es el ritmo de acontecimientos vividos con intensidad en Málaga en el espacio de tres semanas. La Cumbre de las ciudades y gobiernos locales del Mediterráneo, donde Málaga ha conseguido la secretaría permanente; la Semana Digital de Málaga organizada por la Confederación de Empresarios de Málaga (CEM) y la firma de un convenio entre la CEM y el Club para la promoción, impulso y fomento de las Nuevas Tecnologías; la propia V Asamblea; y la Conferencia Internacional de Software Libre.
A mi juicio, un factor clave de éxito es que los tres niveles de la Administración empiezan no sólo a ver el potencial de esta iniciativa, sino a hacer piña con Málaga Valley, como en su día ocurrió con el PTA. No es cuestión de quién fue la iniciativa, sino de lo que podemos conseguir. Málaga reúne un conjunto de elementos de éxito a los que es difícil encontrar parangón: Parque Tecnológico, Universidad, espíritu emprendor, comunicaciones, su localización de costa y clima, su oferta turística cultural y de ocio en aumento. Estamos pues bajo la responsabilidad de transformarlo en resultados concretos.
El Club es un espacio de opinión, donde se busca crear las condiciones mas favorables para hacer de Málaga una zona competitiva de excelencia europea, de talento y de atracción de él; la oportunidad que representa para el tejido empresarial el escuchar y compartir ideas con altos ejecutivos de empresas nacionales y multinacionales, la de plantear proyectos en colaboración y complementarios para sus estrategias. No olvidemos que el empresariado local juega un papel fundamental pues está comprometido con el desarrollo local y no está, como en ocasiones ocurre con las multinacionales, condicionado a otras circunstancias.
Esta iniciativa es consecuente con la más que probable futura decisión de la UE de seleccionar un número muy reducido de polos de innovación (clusters) a diferencia de lo hecho hasta ahora de una política nada selectiva y donde ha habido una general complacencia con las distintas regiones que solicitaban ayudas sin agradar a ninguna y con escasos resultados. El Club no solo da una visión de y hacia Málaga, sino que ya tiene un alcance nacional, y próximamente transcenderá esas fronteras. Con ese planteamiento no debe sorprender una de las metas que se escuchan últimamente en distintos actos satélites del Club. Eel presidente de WiseKey, Carlos Moreira, uno de los miembros fundadores del Club impulsa la iniciativa de un Davos que sea plataforma de proyectos de alto valor innovador, un foro de reflexión internacional en asuntos específicos, en un claro ejemplo de donde el Club coloca el listón. En definitiva en él caben todo tipo de iniciativas, se dan forma a ideas que nutren el proyecto Málaga Valley. Queremos que la Industria y preferiblemente la de alto valor añadido se fije en Málaga. Cuantos más ciudadanos aportemos nuestro granito de arena, estaremos creando más opciones para lograr una ventaja competitiva de la Ciudad, y mediante la diversificación haremos que nuestra economía sea más fuerte.
Pero todo esto es lo mínimo que debemos hacer si queremos situar a Málaga en el mapa del talento y la innovación; hay competencia, no debemos dormirnos y necesitamos excelencia. En los últimos años nos hemos dejado llevar, no solo hemos descuidado aspectos tan importantes como la cultura del esfuerzo, sino que falta motivación e interés de los jóvenes por conocimientos en matemáticas, física y otras asignaturas de ciencias, y si esta tendencia no cambia en los próximos años estaremos en desventaja con otros países y especialmente los emergentes, una seria y grave amenaza, y no vale el consuelo de que en el resto de Europa la situación es parecida. Ya saben, mal de muchos . No queremos ganar por la táctica de la sorpresa, como aquellos entrenadores que ocultan la alineación hasta el último momento. Queremos hacer ruido, queremos decirle al mundo que en Málaga apostamos muy seriamente por atraer y fidelizar el talento en sectores económicos junto a las actividades más tradicionales, pero no con el animo de sustituir, sino de sumar, poniendo mas oportunidades en cestas distintas. En definitiva el Málaga Valley engancha. Analice y si le ve potencial no lo deje escapar.

samedi 3 janvier 2009

Industrie du luxe : WiSeKey numérise les certificats d'authenticité

Industrie du luxe : WiSeKey numérise les certificats d'authenticité
Doter chaque article de luxe d'une carte à puce cryptographique permettra de s'assurer instantanément qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une contrefaçon. Le système s'adresse notamment aux services douaniers.

Publié le 16 Décembre 2008

Montres, bijoux, sacs à main : les produits haut de gamme sont souvent accompagnés d'un certificat d'authenticité en papier. Problème : avec les imprimantes couleurs disponibles sur le marché, ces certificats sont désormais faciles à copier. Pour lutter plus efficacement contre la contrefaçon, la société suisse Wisekey a conçu un système électronique fonctionnant à l'aide de cartes à puces cryptographiques. Chaque article élaboré par un fabricant sera accompagné et vendu d'une telle carte. Faisant office de certificat numérique, celle-ci contiendra l'intégralité des détails du produit : numéro de série, date et endroit de fabrication etc. Il suffira d'entrer la carte dans un lecteur de carte à puce pour identifier le produit. "Un tel système aidera notamment les services de douane à vérifier à la fois rapidement et avec certitude l'authenticité de certains produits, déclare à L'Atelier Carlos Moreno, directeur des ventes des Wisekey.

Infrastructure à clé publique

La technologie d'infrastructure à clé publique (PKI) utilisée par Wisekey est déjà utilisée en informatique au niveau du contrôle d'accès à l'information mais aussi pour certifier l'identité des personnes. L'un de ses avantages réside dans son infalsifiabilité. "De tels certificats sont impossibles à casser ou à répliquer. Si par ailleurs une personne égare sa carte à puce, il lui suffit de prévenir la marque qui la lui a délivrée pour qu'elle la désactive à distance."De la sorte, il n'est plus possible d'organiser un quelconque trafic de certificats d'origine afin de vendre de faux produits avec de vrais certificats. Autre avantage : les services de douane n'auront pas à s'équiper de matériel spécifique pour authentifier les stocks de produits qu'ils inspectent. "Le système que nous avons conçu utilisant le même type de puce cryptographique que les cartes d'identité électronique, les services de douane ou de police disposent déjà de lecteurs compatibles".

LVMH, PPR et Richemont

Un particulier qui a acheté un produit de luxe sur eBay ou une autre plate-forme pourra lui-même s'assurer de la provenance de celui-ci en se rendant dans une boutique de la marque. Un vendeur pourra y lire sa carte sur un lecteur et dire à la personne si son achat n'est pas une copie. Wisekey ne souhaite pas en dire trop sur la technologie déployée dans son système anti-contrefaçon dans la mesure où son brevet est encore en cours d'autorisation. "Nous sommes de toute façon en discussion avec la plupart des grands groupes de l'industrie du luxe et avons eu des retours très positifs". Des marques de LVMH, PPR ou Richemont seraient intéressées. On ne sait pas encore exactement lesquelles mais le communiqué de presse cite, sans doute non sans raison, le nom de Cartier !