mercredi 24 juin 2009

Un centenar de expertos de empresas TIC acuden a Málaga Valley para tratar la seguridad en Internet

Cremades afirma que el Club apoyará económicamente los proyectos culturales de la ciudad para impulsar la marca Málaga

La VI cumbre del Club Málaga Valley reunirá mañana a un centenar de representantes de las compañías punteras en innovación y Tecnología de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) como BT, Oesia, Oracle o Google que abordarán estrategias comunes para "fortalecer el liderazgo tecnológico de Málaga en Europa y el Mediterráneo", según indicó hoy el alcalde de Málaga, Francisco de la Torre. Entre las personalidades más destacadas se encuentran el consejero delegado del BBVA, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, y el reconocido tecnólogo a nivel mundial en materia de seguridad de los sistemas TIC, Bruce Schneier.

En este sentido, De la Torre destacó en rueda de prensa la conferencia que Bruce Schneier ofrecerá esta tarde sobre los sistemas de seguridad en Internet, dentro del seminario 'Cómo pueden sobrevivir las empresas al día después: los nuevos retos de la seguridad en la sociedad de la información'.

En el marco del encuentro organizado para mañana, los asistentes firmarán además el 'Manifiesto del Club Málaga Valley por Málaga 2016 Capital Europea de la Cultura', "en el que se señala la importancia que tiene en la sociedad de la información, el vínculo entre la cultura y la innovación y las nuevas tecnologías".

"Málaga es una ciudad idónea para ser centro tecnológico de Europa y capital europea de la cultura", resaltó el regidor, quien además anunció que en la reunión se informará "de diversos proyectos de inversión en las empresas del Club, que están creando una imagen y capacidad de fortalecimiento de Málaga como espacio de referencia en el sector TIC".

El encuentro contará con la presencia de la secretaria general de Telecomunicaciones y Sociedad de la Información de la Consejería de Innvoación y Ciencia, Pilar Rodríguez, algo que "nos alegra muchísimo ya que así se demuestra, de manera visible, como todas las administraciones colaboran de forma directa en este ámbito", según indicó el primer edil.

También intervendrán otros miembros del Club, entre los que se encuentran la rectora de la Universidad de Málaga, Adelaida de la Calle; el presidente de Wisekey, Carlos Moreira; el consejero delegado de Google, Javier Rodríguez-Zapatero; el consejero delegado de Neo-Sky, César Arranz; el presidente de Secuware, Carlos Jiménez; el vicepresidente de BT Iberia, Jacinto Cavestany, entre otros.

"Estoy orgulloso de que Málaga sea la ciudad escogida por este grupo de empresarios en un proyecto nacional e internacional, donde el nombre de Málaga fortalece el proyecto por la singularidad de la ciudad y en el que cada vez se avanza más", apostilló.


Por su parte, el presidente del Club Málaga Valley, Javier Cremades, destacó que la firma del manifiesto en apoyo a la candidatura de Málaga 2016 "reforzará las condiciones de Málaga para ser vista como un entorno destacado, de forma que las empresas puedan pensar en afincarse y elegir la ciudad como base de sus operaciones".

"El talento busca infraestructuras, equipamientos, conectividad, clima, etc; pero también busca cultura, y que Málaga sea capital europea de la cultura refuerza su capacidad de liderazgo", explicó.

Como una de las novedades de la cumbre, Cremades señaló que se abrirá una línea de colaboración entre el club y los proyectos culturales de la ciudad mediante la cual se apoyará económicamente dichos proyectos con el objetivo de impulsar la marca 'Málaga' dentro del ámbito de la tecnología y la cultura.


Por otro lado, el presidente de Wisekey, Carlos Moreiras, destacó que Málaga es una ciudad que "tiene los medios tecnológicos e intelectuales necesarios para poder posicionarse de forma definitiva en el centro de operaciones de ciberseguridad".

Además, señaló que el Banco Mundial prevé un movimiento de 300 millones de personas en el año 2050, porque "sus países no les darán garantías necesarias para poder sobrevivir", por lo que "se está estudiando la posibilidad de que la Fundación Hassan II utilice Málaga para coordinar a través de Internet los aspectos de migración de cinco millones de marroquíes que hoy en día están fuera de su país".

"Este proyecto ayudará a los inmigrantes a que puedan seguir utilizando los servicios que tradicionalmente tenían en sus casas", aclaró Moreiras, al tiempo que señaló que "la idea es hacerlo a través de Málaga con Rabat para, posteriormente, extenderlo a otros países de la Cuenca Mediterránea".

Por su parte, el presidente y vicepresidente de la Confederación de Empresarios de Málaga (CEM), Vicente García y Javier González de Lara, respectivamente, invitaron a las empresas foráneas "a hacer de Málaga un lugar de preferencia en cuanto al establecimiento de empresas tecnológicas".

vendredi 19 juin 2009

WISekey to provide Digital Certification technologies to the Cecilia Attias Foundation

Photo: Carlos with Cecilia Attias during the presentation of her foundation yesterday in Geneva.

Geneva, 19th June 2009 - WISekey will be providing Digital Certification Services and use of the HighTrusted Platform to the Cecilia Attias Foundation for Women which is providing concrete improvement in the lives of women worldwide by serving as a strategic, media, and financial platform for small and moderate sized, established non-governmental organizations, associations and foundations who champion the cause of women’s equality and well-being.

The Digital Certification Services and use of the HighTrusted Platform to be used by the Cecilia Attias Foundation is designed to deliver integrity and accountability capabilities for Web services transactions through centralized digital signatures and timestamping. This service provides critical functions for participating organizations to the work of the foundation (companies, NGOs, international organizations, foundations and individuals) executing transactions with full accountability, privacy and audit.

The services to be provided will include:

Establishment of a Digital Certificate Seal to be displayed on web sites of organizations members of the foundation.
PKI and Digital signatures to represent approval of the transaction by the organizations involved in the transaction
Evidence that the transaction occurred at a particular moment in time
Verification that the transaction has not been altered since it was signed and reached the recipient appointed by the foundation.
Deliver a verification an audit trail of all records even a significant period of time after the transaction occurred

WISekey is presently supporting the work of many foundations and NGOs allowing them to use the Internet for Secure Electronic Transactions and to launch initiatives in this area. WISekey is also teaming with NPO/NGO organizations around the world to develop via the Internet public investment programs that improve access to basic human needs, health, mobility, education, and economic opportunities. We focus this work on underserved communities and look for solutions that harness the power of digital identification on the Internet and trusted communications technology.

jeudi 18 juin 2009

Project on how to leverage Geneva’s Oil Trading Platform to an Alternative Energy Trading Platform renewable energy using the Internet

Project on how to leverage Geneva’s Oil Trading Platform to an Alternative Energy Trading Platform renewable energy using the Internet

Geneva ties with London as Europe’s Number One oil trading hub with roughly one-third or about 700 million tons per year of the world’s free oil trade in terms of physical trade. Also about 75% of Russian exports of crude oil and oil products are managed through Geneva. Of the 85 million barrels per day of crude oil consumed daily, we estimate that about 30 million barrels are traded internationally. To this volume, which corresponds to about 1.5 billion tons annually, one should add about 600,000 tons of refined products (corresponding to the quantity transported by sea).

The typical trader based in Geneva buys a commodity from a producer and sells it to an importer or final user, moving the commodity from one location to another. The trader’s expertise is in transport, logistics, financial instruments and risk management. The more the trader manages the logistics in purchasing further upstream and selling further downstream, the more he can obtain a competitive advantage. Geneva’s trading companies tend to specialize in certain commodities, for example, in oil and/or gas, steel or in such “soft” commodities as grains, vegetable oils and oilseeds, rice, coffee, sugar, ethanol, cotton or paper pulp and paper. Interestingly, we see that both oil and sugar traders, for different reasons, are starting to expand into trading ethanol.

World Trade Center Geneva, WISekey and the OISTE Foundation in Geneva are presently working with the Global Clinton Initiative and the Global Climate Summit to develop a an electronic trading platform for renewable energy credits, the first of its kind within the environmental brokerage community .

The objective will be to leverage the position of Geneva as a world trading hub to become the hub for an electronic trading platform for renewable energy
Credits. The platform will be based on existing WISekey technology using the Internet . The electronic trading platform for renewable energy provides a real-time forum for buyers and sellers of renewable energy credits (RECs) to review available inventory and place bids or offers for all tradable REC programs from a single location.

This market is totally unregulated as alternative energy generators, resellers, marketers, and other parties interested in renewable energy credits trading only rely on more fragmented, intrusive "voice brokerage" channels to
identify inventories and counterparties for REC purchases and sales.

By locating this electronic trading platform for renewable energy in Geneva will allow organizations located in the city and new one moving to Geneva to speed, and centralization to a burgeoning albeit complicated and fragmented
Market. Renewable energy credits, also called "green tags", are tradable environmental commodities issued by an appropriate oversight entity to represent a set amount of energy produced (typically 1,000 kilowatt hours) from renewable natural resources, such as solar, wind and biomass.

WISeKey lands CH 4.5 Million in Anti-Counterfeiting and New Generation Digital Identification technology contracts

WISeKey lands CH 4.5 Million in Anti-Counterfeiting and New Generation Digital Identification technology contracts


Geneva, 16th June 2009 – WISeKey SA announced today that it has received orders in June totaling CHF 4.5 million from several clients from its anti-counterfeiting and Digital Identity system that safeguards and verifies the authenticity of luxury goods and protects the digital identity of users.

"Together with the Digital Identification, the anti-counterfeiting industry continues to aggressively pursue the use of our WISeAuthentic technology," said Carlos Moreira, the company's president and CEO, in a statement. "We are pleased to have prestigious brands as significant customers for our proprietary technology and are looking forward to the continued development and application of our patent pending technology in new areas related to the anti-counterfeiting market."

Counterfeiting represents approximately five to seven percent of all world trade and with the luxury brand industries estimated to reach one trillion dollars (US) by 2010, these companies need a solution that will prove authenticity. The technology is virtually fail-safe, as the encrypted digital information within the SmartCard’s chip is impossible to replicate and will remain so for the foreseeable future, according to analysts, mathematicians and academic experts who participated in the development of WISeKey’s technology. WISeAuthentic is also available for use with jewelry, beauty products, haute couture, jet aircraft and automotive parts, luxury goods, pharmaceuticals, software and entertainment.

In addition to the anti-counterfeiting contracts, WISeKey has closed deals in the area of Digital Identification using WISeKey’s new generation semantic validation system which leverages the Web 2.0 functionalities and goes further by taking Citizen services into Web 3.0 interactions. Essentially, citizens will be able to access and transact through citizen services online with different logon mechanisms. Depending on the logon mechanism used, the Citizen portal will be adapted automatically to the functionalities allowed by the logon mechanism used. For example, with a high security electronic identity card, a citizen would be able to undertake the most complex citizen transactions whilst the use of a simple login/password mechanism would limit the functionalities available to the Citizen.

For more information on this solution please visit

Estrella Vela
Carlos Moreno
+41 22 594 30 00

WISeKey lands CH 4.5 Million in Anti-Counterfeiting and New Generation Digital Identification technology contracts

WISeKey lands CH 4.5 Million in Anti-Counterfeiting and New Generation Digital Identification technology contracts


Geneva, 16th June 2009 – WISeKey SA announced today that it has received orders in June totaling CHF 4.5 million from several clients from its anti-counterfeiting and Digital Identity system that safeguards and verifies the authenticity of luxury goods and protects the digital identity of users.

"Together with the Digital Identification, the anti-counterfeiting industry continues to aggressively pursue the use of our WISeAuthentic technology," said Carlos Moreira, the company's president and CEO, in a statement. "We are pleased to have prestigious brands as significant customers for our proprietary technology and are looking forward to the continued development and application of our patent pending technology in new areas related to the anti-counterfeiting market."

Counterfeiting represents approximately five to seven percent of all world trade and with the luxury brand industries estimated to reach one trillion dollars (US) by 2010, these companies need a solution that will prove authenticity. The technology is virtually fail-safe, as the encrypted digital information within the SmartCard’s chip is impossible to replicate and will remain so for the foreseeable future, according to analysts, mathematicians and academic experts who participated in the development of WISeKey’s technology. WISeAuthentic is also available for use with jewelry, beauty products, haute couture, jet aircraft and automotive parts, luxury goods, pharmaceuticals, software and entertainment.

In addition to the anti-counterfeiting contracts, WISeKey has closed deals in the area of Digital Identification using WISeKey’s new generation semantic validation system which leverages the Web 2.0 functionalities and goes further by taking Citizen services into Web 3.0 interactions. Essentially, citizens will be able to access and transact through citizen services online with different logon mechanisms. Depending on the logon mechanism used, the Citizen portal will be adapted automatically to the functionalities allowed by the logon mechanism used. For example, with a high security electronic identity card, a citizen would be able to undertake the most complex citizen transactions whilst the use of a simple login/password mechanism would limit the functionalities available to the Citizen.

For more information on this solution please visit

Estrella Vela
Carlos Moreno
+41 22 594 30 00