vendredi 19 juin 2009

WISekey to provide Digital Certification technologies to the Cecilia Attias Foundation

Photo: Carlos with Cecilia Attias during the presentation of her foundation yesterday in Geneva.

Geneva, 19th June 2009 - WISekey will be providing Digital Certification Services and use of the HighTrusted Platform to the Cecilia Attias Foundation for Women which is providing concrete improvement in the lives of women worldwide by serving as a strategic, media, and financial platform for small and moderate sized, established non-governmental organizations, associations and foundations who champion the cause of women’s equality and well-being.

The Digital Certification Services and use of the HighTrusted Platform to be used by the Cecilia Attias Foundation is designed to deliver integrity and accountability capabilities for Web services transactions through centralized digital signatures and timestamping. This service provides critical functions for participating organizations to the work of the foundation (companies, NGOs, international organizations, foundations and individuals) executing transactions with full accountability, privacy and audit.

The services to be provided will include:

Establishment of a Digital Certificate Seal to be displayed on web sites of organizations members of the foundation.
PKI and Digital signatures to represent approval of the transaction by the organizations involved in the transaction
Evidence that the transaction occurred at a particular moment in time
Verification that the transaction has not been altered since it was signed and reached the recipient appointed by the foundation.
Deliver a verification an audit trail of all records even a significant period of time after the transaction occurred

WISekey is presently supporting the work of many foundations and NGOs allowing them to use the Internet for Secure Electronic Transactions and to launch initiatives in this area. WISekey is also teaming with NPO/NGO organizations around the world to develop via the Internet public investment programs that improve access to basic human needs, health, mobility, education, and economic opportunities. We focus this work on underserved communities and look for solutions that harness the power of digital identification on the Internet and trusted communications technology.

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