samedi 25 août 2007

Technology Firms are back in favor with Investors

Technology Firms are back in favor with Investors
After more than a half decade after, technology firms are back on the IPO race and investors are following.
With the recent IPO on VMware a Silicon Valley software-maker the excitement was back, similar to the initial public offerings (IPOs) of the first internet wave.
Technology firms in the US are back in favor and in EU starts to follow the same process. Venture Capitals are now investing particularly into internet start-ups that boast the label Web 2.0 with an advertisement related business plan.

In the second quarter of 2007 American venture-capital firms invested nearly $1 billion in information-services companies—an increase of more than 50% compared with the second quarter of last year.
The cost of building Web 2 Services Company is much lower that what it was required to create a Web company during the 2000. It will be easier to develop new companies but it will be also more complicated to assess their real value as new Web 2 companies have the tendency to disappear quite fast, integrated into other bigger companies.

mercredi 15 août 2007

Carlos Moreira and Grant Simmers

Carlos Moreira and Grant Simmers, Alinghi Managing Director and Design Coordinator and wife, during the party WISekey organized in Valencia at the Museo del Carmen.

mardi 14 août 2007

Brasil entra na lista de times da America’s Cup

Brasil entra na lista de times da America’s Cup e já tem apoio do chefão da Copa
Grupo de empresários apresenta projeto de equipe brasileira já para a próxima edição da Copa

Antonio Alonso Jr

O suíço Carlos Moreira e Ernani Paciornik, após apresentação do projeto
A primeira participação brasileira na America´s Cup está mais perto do que nunca. Depois de 156 anos de Copa, nós já temos muito mais do que ótimos velejadores e um excelente nome para comandar o barco: o Brasil agora conquistou também os organizadores da Copa. Um grupo de cinco empresários de cinco países diferentes (um deles brasileiro), já apresentou a idéia em uma reunião secretíssima em Valência e receberam o apoio do próprio Ernesto Bertarelli, chefão do Alinghi e organizador da Copa.

Ernani Paciornik, diretor e editor da revista Náutica, foi convidado a conhecer o projeto, que será revelada com mais detalhes na revista Náutica 227, que estará nas bancas de todo o Brasil a partir de 19 de julho. Na mesma reunião, a equipe já ganhou pelo menos um grande patrocinador suíço. O dono da empresa é Carlos Moreira, um suíço que fala português, e é próximo a Bertarelli. Moreira, que nasceu na Espanha, foi um dos patrocinadores do próprio Alinghi nesta edição da America´s Cup, e agora quer dar um passo maior. O suíço ficou animado com os talentos que a América do Sul, e o Brasil em particular, têm a oferecer na vela, assim como as oportunidades de negócio com um mercado ainda pouco explorado pela empresa de tecnologia que ele representa.

Torben Grael, nome mais do que óbvio para liderar uma campanha como essa, já havia sido sondado em momentos anteriores, mas nem mesmo ele sabia da reunião que aconteceu na Espanha enquanto ele viajava para disputar o Campeonato Mundial de Vela, em Portugal. Se o problema do Brasil não era exatamente a falta de velejadores, mas a falta de patrocinadores para encarar um projeto cujo orçamento pode chegar às centenas de milhões de dólares, é aí que Bertarelli pode ajudar. Com a vitória do Alinghi, e a ida da Copa para a Europa, Bertarelli conseguiu atrair equipes novas e trouxe países que nunca antes participaram da America´s Cup, como África do Sul, Espanha e até China. O bilionário suíço colocou esforço pessoal para conseguir patrocinadores para as outras equipes, inclusive para seus maiores adversários. Bertarelli, que fundou uma empresa só para tratar dos assuntos da organização da Americas´s Cup, a ACM, sabe que a Copa (e ele próprio) só têm a ganhar com a entrada de novos mercados no jogo.

O apoio dos organizadores, e a entrada de brasileiros na organização do projeto era o que faltava para o sonho brasileiro na America´s Cup deixar de ser considerado apenas um delírio. Agora, é a vez do Brasil. Revista Nautica

jeudi 9 août 2007

A great new type of event bringing experts from all over the world

The Geneva Security Forum will be a neutral platform at the leading edge of the security debate offering a global, high-level and multistakeholder forum to address the implications of political, commercial, technological and criminal trends.

We just concluded the Geneva Security Forum, a unique annual two-day international security conference, showcase and training centre in Geneva, Switzerland. Held in summer each year, the gathering includes a top-level forum that targets key stakeholders in the highly competitive and rapidly changing global security market: policymakers, business leaders, key practitioners, and thought leaders who will work together to anticipate and address the issues on the global security agenda. The Geneva Security Forum will also be an occasion to raise awareness, showcase products and services and conduct training seminars. The Geneva Security Forum is the first global conference designed to facilitate communication between security professionals to anticipate the changing global security environment, promote commercial solutions and discuss policy trade offs. As cofounder of the Geneva Security Forum I strongly recomend to join us again next year for the 2008 edition. CM

A great opportunity to enter the Chinese Market for a Swiss company

WISeKey Selected by the World Economic Forum as one of the top 500 mould-breaking companies New Champions.

The WEF is creating, in close partnership with the government of the People's Republic of China, a community of "the New Champions", with their own Davos-like summit in the booming city of Dalian. The inaugural meeting will take place from 6 to 8 September 2007 and will bring together New Champion CEOs with existing members, creating a powerful platform for interaction and cooperation between traditional
and new actors.

The meeting will welcome 1,500 participants to the Inaugural Annual Meeting of the New Champions. CEOs will be joined by international government leaders, leaders of the world's most competitive cities and the fastest growing regions and states, gurus of the Web 2.0 world, some of the most remarkable leaders from our Community of Young Global Leaders and the international media to make this an exceptional event.

WISekey is selected as one of the top 500 mould-breaking companies New Champions. The WEF call these mould-breaking companies New Champions. Why? Because they have a proven track record of success - but also because they are ready to take the next step and join the global top-500 companies within the next five to ten years.

A nice piece of technology to have

One of the greatest event I participated this year was the Americas Cup in valencia. For the event WISeKey developed the Alinghi Smart Card 2007 for use by Alinghi in their Defense of the 32nd Americas Cup, in which they were successful. The Alinghi smart card is a high quality multipurpose card that can be used for a variety of functions:

Secure files and documents
Securely exchange information
Secure electronic email
Securely access facilities (wireless proximity access – special version)
Securely access desktops and servers
Digital sign documents and files for more efficient electronic workflow and approvals
In addition to signature and PKI applications, and access control systems, the smart card can be used to secure many other sensitive applications, such as payment systems.

The Alinghi Smart Card 2007 is implemented using a Philips P8WE5032 integrated circuit, which has been certified as ITSEC E4 high.

If you want to know more about this project, please link here

vendredi 3 août 2007

The Carlos Moreira Internet Journal

The Carlos Moreira Internet Science is an interdisciplinary, peer reviewed journal for the publication of research articles, videos and opinions about empirical findings, methodology, and theory in the field of Internet Science and Technology. It provides an outlet for articles on the Internet as a medium of research and its implications for individuals, social groups, organizations, and the society.