mercredi 17 décembre 2008

Une puce contre la contrefaçon du luxe

Une puce contre la contrefaçon du luxe
par Giuseppe Melillo
Une société propose de doter les produits de luxe de puces permettant de vérifier leur authenticité sur internet.

Une puce électronique permettrait d'authentifier les produits de luxe. (Photo: afp)Montres, bijoux, sacs à main, tout article de luxe pourrait être doté d’un dispositif anti-contrefaçon. Une carte à puce contiendrait les données du produit: numéro d’enregistrement, code-barres, date et lieu de fabrication. C’est ce que propose la société genevoise de sécurité électronique Wisekey. Son système, Wiseauthentic, permet aux fabricants, points de vente et acheteurs de vérifier instantanément via internet l’authenticité du produit.

Selon la société genevoise, les informations numériques codées dans la carte à puce seraient impossibles à répliquer. Ce système pourrait aussi fournir une aide à la police et aux douanes. Celles-ci authentifieraient un chargement en quelques clics. Ce qui permettrait l’économie de machines coûteuses.

Le marché de l’anti-contrefaçon est disputé. La start-up veveysanne Alpvision authentifie un objet grâce à un marquage invisible. Elle protège déjà un milliard d’emballages pharmaceutiques par an avec cette sorte d’empreinte.

mardi 16 décembre 2008

WISeKey devises an anticounterfeiting system that safeguards and verifies the authenticity of luxury goods

WISeKey devises an anticounterfeiting system that safeguards and verifies the authenticity of luxury goods
12/16/2008 WISeKey

Geneva, 16th December 2008. Every product made by a luxury goods manufacturer – a watch, handbag, piece of jewellery, etc. – would be accompanied and sold with a smart device, such as a SmartCard, containing the encrypted full details of the product, ie registration number, bar code, date and place of manufacture, etc. Manufacturers, sales outlets and purchasers would then be able to use the SmartCard to verify instantly via the Internet the authenticity of the product using WISeKey-developed technology – namely, WISeAuthentic© (for which the patent is pending).

“The technology,” explains Carlos Moreira, WISeKey CEO, “is based on digital identification encrypted in each product’s SmartCard. What we provide is the service by which the smart device can be used to access the manufacturer’s website and gain access to a special area of the website where the product can be identified as part of the company’s inventory. If the encrypted information on the device is not recognized, access to the website’s special area is denied.”

The technology is virtually fail-safe, as the encrypted digital information within the SmartCard’s chip is impossible to replicate and will remain so for the foreseeable future, according to analysts, mathematicians and academic experts who participated in the development of WISeKey’s technology.

Not only would the WISeAuthentic©/SmartCard combination provide a fail-safe system for manufacturers and purchasers, but it would be a boon to police and customs authorities (not to mention e-Bay), who would be able to verify the authenticity – or non-authenticity – of a truckload of hundreds of cases of, say, Cartier jewellery in a matter of a few clicks on the Internet, thereby negating the use of expensive machines currently used for this purpose.

Further information:
Daniel Ybarra
+ 41225943000

mardi 9 décembre 2008

Carlos with Hillary at theCGI

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WISekey showcased its initiative at the Global Climate Summit in Beverly Hills organized by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

WISekey showcased its initiative at the Global Climate Summit in Beverly Hills organized by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

11/20/2008 WISeKey

Geneva, California 20 November 2008 - More than 600 environmental officials along with five U.S. governors along with regional representatives from Brazil, Canada, India, Indonesia and Mexico participated at the Global Climate Summit in Beverly Hills organized by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

WISekey represented by its advisory board member Mr. Mario Garnero, President of Brasilinvest presented a new initiative as part of an ongoing drive to boost internet awareness to reduce carbon offsets. is a Service Platform designed to use the Internet and Digital Identification for assisting in the offsetting of carbon footprints with the final objective to support greenhouse gas reduction projects and hasten the transition to a clean energy future. The Internet is a great place to reduce carbon offsets as can be more efficient than any other measures allowing an individual to help to assist on the fight against global warming, while reducing the same or more carbon dioxide emissions.

Via users can purchase a digital renewable energy certificates (WISeKey Digital Certificate) which will allow users to demonstrate during all their internet transactions, emails, and web sites that they are contributing to reduce Carbon offsets allowing to take urgent actions on global warming. This digital certificate will become very visible and will be promoted by a series of VIP; Celebrities and major personalities around the world. The digital renewable energy certificates will also be visible in all web sites of all companies participating. includes a High Trusted Social Network Platform developed by WISekey and OISTE which includes a high-level, digital identity verification solution, designed specifically to authenticate that persons are who they say they are, to verify the user's identity and to provide a safer virtual environment for people to network .

The summit agenda includes panels on greenhouse-gas measuring and reporting, and on developing methods to cut emissions in the energy, forestry, agriculture, transportation, cement, steel and aluminum sectors. The governors and regional leaders in Mexico, Canada, Brazil and Indonesia agreed in the document to develop policy positions on the industries that produce the most greenhouse gases — forestry, agriculture, cement, iron, aluminum, energy and transportation.

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